Moving Day

It's an exciting day for me! After homesharing for virtually all of my adulthood, I am moving into my own place.

A lot can be said for home sharing. The idea that another person knows your comings and goings, whether and what you eat, whether and when you sleep. The past year was filled with highs and lows, for both my roommate and myself and we each became a constant for the other - a person who, at the end of each day or week, was there to talk or watch junk tv or go for a walk. I needed to have a bridge year and I have thoroughly enjoyed it. I am extremely grateful for the hospitality and fairness of my roommate this past year. She is a good friend :)

But, for me, starting this new chapter is one that is in good timing. I'm ready to relearn how I work separate from another person's clock. I truly enjoy my own company and am now curious to know what I will fill my time with when there's nothing predetermined or already happening in the house. I want to see what my furniture looks like all on its own.

As I sit one last time in my favorite chair (which belongs to my roommate, so I'll have to buy myself one like it), wrapped in my favorite throw (which is mine so it's coming with me), I am humbled and excited by this new venture.

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